Shri Hari Skin Care



Hereditary-pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss. Hereditary-pattern baldness is not really a disease, but a natural condition caused by some combination of genetics, hormone levels and the aging process.

Is Baldness Hereditary?

Hair loss suffered by men that has a tendency to run in families is called male pattern baldness (MPB). This hereditary hair loss condition usually starts when a man is in his early thirties, although it can start earlier or later in life, and ends in everlasting baldness.

At present there is no way to avoid male pattern baldness from happening and the precise causes are still to be entirely understood. However, medical doctors agree that Androgenetic Alopecia has both hormonal and genetic influences.

Genetic Causes

The hair follicles in men who suffer from male pattern baldness appear to be genetically predisposed to being more vulnerable to the toxic effects of testosterone and DHT later in life. This hereditary disadvantage makes it probable for the DHT to cause restricted hair growth more easily and fully on the scalp. It is believed that this difficulty of the hair follicle is handed down through DNA from generation to generation.

The genetic side of male pattern baldness can also help men better comprehend their chances of developing Androgenetic Alopecia and better comprehend how the condition will individually disturb them. A man can normally locate his predisposition for hair loss by studying the tendency for baldness on both the mother’s side and father’s side of the family. By defining if the men in the family have a tendency to be bald, how acute their baldness is, what pattern the hair loss follows, and the age of the original hair thinning men will be capable of predicting their own baldness course and take steps to organize for the eventual hair loss.


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Awesome services offered by Shri Hari Skin Clinic. Visited so many places, but finally fortunately choose the best place. Thanks to Dr. Mahendra Vaghasiya for offering me the best services in Surat. I am more than satisfy with the result.
Arun Jain

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